Better AWR Outcomes. Reinforced by Data. Confidence for surgeons and patients in ventral hernia repair
GORE® BIO-A® Tissue Reinforcement is designed as an alternative to longer-term resorbable and permanent meshes to offer a strong repair while avoiding risk for long-term mesh-related complicationsA Hospital Administrator’s Perspective on Economic Value
Eric S. Bour, President, Hillcrest Memorial Hospital and Simpsonville Medical Campus, sits down to discuss how the value of a surgeon and a hospital are being measured today.Ventral Hernia Repair Using the Components Separation Technique
Brent Mathews, M.D., FACS, performs a ventral hernia repair using the components separation technique.Biosynthetic Tissue Scaffold Recruits Progenitor Cells in Muscle Tissue Healing Model
This study demonstrates that the open, porous structure of the GORE® BIO-A® Tissue Reinforcement is able to recruit the Pax7+ cells residing in host muscle, a critical step in muscle regeneration.Robotic Preperitoneal Umbilical Hernia Repair
Robotic preperitoneal repair of an umbilical hernia utilizing GORE® SYNECOR Preperitonal Biomaterial by Matthew R. Reynolds, D.O.Better AWR Outcomes. Reinforced by Data. GORE® BIO-A® Tissue Reinforcement offers proven low complication rates in high risk AWR patients
GORE® BIO-A® Tissue Reinforcement offers proven low complication rates in high risk AWR patients1 vs. BARD® DAVOL PHASIX Mesh.Robotic Sugarbaker Repair of a Parastomal Hernia utilizing GORE® SYNECOR Intraperitoneal Biomaterial
Karl A. LeBlanc, MD, MBA, FACS, FASMBS performs a Sugarbaker Repair of a Parastomal Hernia Utilizing GORE® SYNECOR Intraperitoneal Biomaterial 15 cm x 20 cm Synthetic Hybrid Mesh.Posterior sheath mobilization in preparation for retromuscular hernia repair
John P. Fischer, M.D., MPH, FACS, is a specialist in abdominal wall reconstruction. This is a surgical technique video demonstrating the posterior sheath mobilization and creation of the retromuscular space.Retromuscular hernia repair using GORE® ENFORM Preperitoneal Biomaterial with percutaneous suture fixation
John P. Fischer, M.D., MPH, FACS, is a specialist in abdominal wall reconstruction. This is a surgical technique video demonstrating retromuscular repair using GORE® ENFORM Preperitoneal Biomaterial with percutaneous fixation.Tissue Reinforcement with GORE® BIO-A® Material in Large Hiatal Hernias: A Prospective Clinical Study
GORE® BIO-A® Tissue Reinforcement is a three dimensional resorbable mesh which has demonstrated to be a ideal “scaffold” facilitating tissue generation and healing without the risk of a non-resorbable implant.Learn More About GORE® SYNECOR Biomaterials
Hybrid hernia repair device for high BMIs, multiple comorbidities and recurrent defects are now available.Retro-rectus Placement of Bio-absorbable Mesh Improves Patient Outcomes
Our primary objective was to determine the longterm surgical outcomes of retro-rectus and intraperiteonal placement of mesh.