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Better AWR Outcomes. Reinforced by Data. Confidence for surgeons and patients in ventral hernia repair Document

Better AWR Outcomes. Reinforced by Data. Confidence for surgeons and patients in ventral hernia repair

GORE® BIO-A® Tissue Reinforcement is designed as an alternative to longer-term resorbable and permanent meshes to offer a strong repair while avoiding risk for long-term mesh-related complications
A Hospital Administrator’s Perspective on Economic Value Video

A Hospital Administrator’s Perspective on Economic Value

Eric S. Bour, President, Hillcrest Memorial Hospital and Simpsonville Medical Campus, sits down to discuss how the value of a surgeon and a hospital are being measured today.
Ventral Hernia Repair Using the Components Separation Technique Video

Ventral Hernia Repair Using the Components Separation Technique

Brent Mathews, M.D., FACS, performs a ventral hernia repair using the components separation technique.
Biosynthetic Tissue Scaffold Recruits Progenitor Cells in Muscle Tissue Healing Model Document

Biosynthetic Tissue Scaffold Recruits Progenitor Cells in Muscle Tissue Healing Model

This study demonstrates that the open, porous structure of the GORE® BIO-A® Tissue Reinforcement is able to recruit the Pax7+ cells residing in host muscle, a critical step in muscle regeneration.
Robotic Preperitoneal Umbilical Hernia Repair Video

Robotic Preperitoneal Umbilical Hernia Repair

Robotic preperitoneal repair of an umbilical hernia utilizing GORE® SYNECOR Preperitonal Biomaterial by Matthew R. Reynolds, D.O.
Better AWR Outcomes. Reinforced by Data. GORE® BIO-A® Tissue Reinforcement offers proven low complication rates in high risk AWR patients Document

Better AWR Outcomes. Reinforced by Data. GORE® BIO-A® Tissue Reinforcement offers proven low complication rates in high risk AWR patients

GORE® BIO-A® Tissue Reinforcement offers proven low complication rates in high risk AWR patients1 vs. BARD® DAVOL PHASIX Mesh.
Robotic Sugarbaker Repair of a Parastomal Hernia utilizing GORE® SYNECOR Intraperitoneal Biomaterial Video

Robotic Sugarbaker Repair of a Parastomal Hernia utilizing GORE® SYNECOR Intraperitoneal Biomaterial

Karl A. LeBlanc, MD, MBA, FACS, FASMBS performs a Sugarbaker Repair of a Parastomal Hernia Utilizing GORE® SYNECOR Intraperitoneal Biomaterial 15 cm x 20 cm Synthetic Hybrid Mesh.
Posterior sheath mobilization in preparation for retromuscular hernia repair Video

Posterior sheath mobilization in preparation for retromuscular hernia repair

John P. Fischer, M.D., MPH, FACS, is a specialist in abdominal wall reconstruction. This is a surgical technique video demonstrating the posterior sheath mobilization and creation of the retromuscular space.
Retromuscular hernia repair using GORE<sup>®</sup> ENFORM Preperitoneal Biomaterial with percutaneous suture fixation Video

Retromuscular hernia repair using GORE® ENFORM Preperitoneal Biomaterial with percutaneous suture fixation

John P. Fischer, M.D., MPH, FACS, is a specialist in abdominal wall reconstruction. This is a surgical technique video demonstrating retromuscular repair using GORE® ENFORM Preperitoneal Biomaterial with percutaneous fixation.
Tissue Reinforcement with GORE<sup>®</sup> BIO-A<sup>®</sup> Material in Large Hiatal Hernias: A Prospective Clinical Study Document

Tissue Reinforcement with GORE® BIO-A® Material in Large Hiatal Hernias: A Prospective Clinical Study

GORE® BIO-A® Tissue Reinforcement is a three dimensional resorbable mesh which has demonstrated to be a ideal “scaffold” facilitating tissue generation and healing without the risk of a non-resorbable implant.
Learn More About GORE<sup>®</sup> SYNECOR Biomaterials Document

Learn More About GORE® SYNECOR Biomaterials

Hybrid hernia repair device for high BMIs, multiple comorbidities and recurrent defects are now available.
Retro-rectus Placement of Bio-absorbable Mesh Improves Patient Outcomes Document

Retro-rectus Placement of Bio-absorbable Mesh Improves Patient Outcomes

Our primary objective was to determine the longterm surgical outcomes of retro-rectus and intraperiteonal placement of mesh.

Showing 25 - 36 of 43 results

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