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Bio-A Mesh Use in Hiatal Hernia Repair. A Systematic Literature Review Document

Bio-A Mesh Use in Hiatal Hernia Repair. A Systematic Literature Review

Abdul-Rahman F. Diab, Joseph A. Sujka, Adham R. Saad, Christopher G. DuCoin, Salvatore Docimo present on hiatal hernia repair without mesh reinforcement that is associated with high rates of hernia reoccurrence, reaching more than 50% at 5 years.
Ventral Hernia Repair Using the Components Separation Technique Video

Ventral Hernia Repair Using the Components Separation Technique

Brent Mathews, M.D., FACS, performs a ventral hernia repair using the components separation technique.
Long-term Outcome of Absorbable Synthetic Mesh in Clean Ventral Hernia Repairs Document

Long-term Outcome of Absorbable Synthetic Mesh in Clean Ventral Hernia Repairs

The use of absorbable synthetic mesh in clean wound ventral hernia repair resulted in favorable long-term recurrence rates.
The Role of a Biosynthetic Hybrid Mesh in Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair in High-Risk Patients with Multiple Comorbidities Document

The Role of a Biosynthetic Hybrid Mesh in Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair in High-Risk Patients with Multiple Comorbidities

The influx of more high-risk and obese patients in need of abdominal wall hernia repair naturally leads to larger, more complex hernia cases and the need for strong mesh.
Converting Biologic Mesh to Synthetic, Absorbable Mesh Video

Converting Biologic Mesh to Synthetic, Absorbable Mesh

Vizient Mesh Savings Opportunity Podcast. Clinical benefits and savings opportunity
A Cost Comparison of Mesh Usage in Laparoscopic Paraesophageal Hernia Repair Document

A Cost Comparison of Mesh Usage in Laparoscopic Paraesophageal Hernia Repair

The aim of this study was to compare costs of the GORE® BIO-A® Device, ALLERGAN ALLODERM Device, and ALLERGAN STRATTICE Device in relation to the outcomes in terms of length of stay and recurrence rate following PEH repair.
Robotic Preperitoneal Umbilical Hernia Repair Video

Robotic Preperitoneal Umbilical Hernia Repair

Robotic preperitoneal repair of an umbilical hernia utilizing GORE® SYNECOR Preperitonal Biomaterial by Matthew R. Reynolds, D.O.
Posterior sheath mobilization in preparation for retromuscular hernia repair Video

Posterior sheath mobilization in preparation for retromuscular hernia repair

John P. Fischer, M.D., MPH, FACS, is a specialist in abdominal wall reconstruction. This is a surgical technique video demonstrating the posterior sheath mobilization and creation of the retromuscular space.
Quality of Life in Ventral and Hiatal Hernia Repair: Review of Long-Term Patient Outcomes in Two Large Case Series Document

Quality of Life in Ventral and Hiatal Hernia Repair: Review of Long-Term Patient Outcomes in Two Large Case Series

A fundamental goal of hernia repair is providing a durable closure.
Long-term results for intraperitoneal biomaterial repair of ventral hernias in a real-world, retrospective, multicenter study Video

Long-term results for intraperitoneal biomaterial repair of ventral hernias in a real-world, retrospective, multicenter study

This retrospective, multicenter, case review analyzed device/procedure endpoints and patient-reported outcomes in patients treated for hernia repair 1 year or more from study enrollment.
Trends, Tools, Trials: Complex Abdominal Wall Repair in 2020 Video

Trends, Tools, Trials: Complex Abdominal Wall Repair in 2020

Matthew I. Goldblatt, M.D., FACS, discusses a case study of a patient undergoing treatment for simultaneous colon and rectal cancers and had a prior low anterior colon resection procedure with a diverting ileostomy.
GORE<sup>®</sup> BIO-A<sup>®</sup> Web Technology Innovation Video

GORE® BIO-A® Web Technology Innovation

Learn more about the GORE® BIO-A® Web Technology, and how it works as a scaffolding to help the body grow vascularized soft tissue.

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